As the world modernizes, as people mobility across
countries and continents expands, it creates more diversity among people. While
this is a good thing to recognize that after all, we live in just one global
village, it also creates some animosity and even anger for some people as their
previously mono-cultural city or community undergoes piecemeal changes towards
multi-cultural and economic activities. Thus, the quest for peace and tolerance
at the global, national and local community levels, is a continuing challenge
for humanity. And most especially among Rotarians.
To contribute to this search for peace and tolerance, the
Rotary Club of Taguig Fort Bonifacio spearheaded an important project for the
youth, the “Art Peace” competition for college/university students in Metro
Manila. Its main objective is to campaign and reiterate Rotary's thrust, ideals
and advocacy to the new generation or the youth through visual arts.
The project covers the following: Public Image, New
Generation and Areas of Focus. This is consistent with this year’s Rotary
International theme, “Peace Through Service” via Rotary's Areas of Focus:
1. Peace and Conflict Prevention / Resolution
2. Disease Prevention and Treatment
3. Water and Sanitation
4. Maternal and Child Health
5. Basic Education and Literacy
6. Economic and Community Development
The club secured an endorsement from the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED), printed posters and invitation letters to the Office
of Student Affairs (OSA) of different colleges and universities in Metro
Manila. These were distributed in early March 2013.
Pretty soon, many entries and art pieces were submitted
to the club. Some were arranged for pick up in their universities.
Judgement day, the “Art Peace 2013” was set last April 7,
2013, from 1-6 pm. Venue was the Arts in the City, FVR Park, Federacion Drive
corner 7th Ave., Bonifacio Global City, Taguig. The top six contestants were
invited, Club members brought their friends, and some District officials and a
President of another clubs in the District came.
Aside from the top six art pieces displayed that afternoon,
impressive art works of three guest artists were also shown -- by Arnan De Leon,
Nice So, and Vanessa "King" Tan Gana.

The most awaited part of the event that day was made, the
announcement of winners. The contestants were called up on stage. Their
youthful faces showed some anxiety and excitement as they faced the audience.
The results are as follows.
The 1st Place (P15,000 + Trophy + Certificate) went to
Melchor Santiago Jr. His art work was entitled “Empowering a Peaceful Nation
Through Responsible Youth Service”. It was an elaborate painting with bold
letters of ROTARY in the middle. Melchor is a 4th Year BS Medical Technology
student at Our Lady of Fatima University in Valenzuela City.
The 2nd Place (P10,000 + Trophy + Certificate)
went to Justen Paul Tolentino. His entry ttle was “Spreading Peace with Service”.
Justen is a 1st Year BS Medical Technology student at Far Eastern University in
Third Place (P5,000 + Trophy + Certificate) went to Ruzzle
Abella with an art work entitled “Bigyang Gabay”. He is a 2nd Year Visual
Communications major at EARIST.
The three other entries got consolation prizes (P2,000 +
Certificate) each. The contestants, their respective entry titles and schools
1. Clint Rey Policarpio, “Larawan ng Nakaraan”
3rd Year Fine Arts, Major in Painting, University of the
East - Caloocan
2. Kristie Sheene Villeza, “Winning Peace”
1st Year BS Information Technology, National
Teachers College
3. Prikern Leighry Balbuena, “Heart of a Mother”
2nd Year BSED Major in MAPE, Far Eastern University
It was a wonderful afternoon of viewing different
paintings from different artists, meeting young aspiring artists and painters,
club members and their families and friends, District officials and other
guests. The venue was nice, food was plentiful and delicious, the music and sound
system was great.
It was indeed a big, signature project of the Rotary Club
of Taguig Fort Bonifacio this year. Peace President Rosemarie Antonio has shown
once more the kind of stuff she is made of – very hard working, highly
dedicated, unquestionably service-oriented leader.
Kudos to you, President Rose.
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(Addendum. The MCs that afternoon were yours truly and clubmate Carmen Penalosa. Photo below, from left: Carmen, me, Gov. Sue, PP Niel Antonio, and President Rose Antonio.
See also:
Club Planning Workshop, March 2012, April 02, 2012
Club Officers, RY 2012-2013, June 01, 2012
Club Relief Operations After the Manila Flooding, August 13, 2012
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